Présentations, exposés :
Holomorphic vector fields, Marseille, 01-2006
Thurston's Theorem for parabolic maps, Toronto, 03-2006
Surgeries for rational dynamics, Warwick, 06-2007
Surgeries and obstructions, Ascona, 02-2008
KSS nest and Branner-Hubbard conjecture, Oberwolfach, 10-2008
Newton Methods, Villetaneuse, 04-2009
Newton Methods, nouveaux-recrutés-Angers, 09-2009
Harmonic maps, Seillac, 05-2010
Harmonic maps, Rennes, 06-2010
Folding surgeries for rational maps, Roskilde, 09-2010
Harmonic maps, Roskilde, 09-2010
Harmonic maps, Colloquium Goettingen, 04-2011
Harmonic maps, Strasbourg, 05-2011
Rational maps with prescribed critical values, Brown ICERM workshop, 04-2012
Rational maps with prescribed critical values, Orsay, 06-2012
Thurston's theorem, Selfsimilar group workshop, Orleans, 06-2012
Entropy, Holbaek workshop, 09-2012
Lamination, Angers, 10-2012
Entropy, Orleans, 03-2013
Combinatorics of polynomials, Shanghai, 04-2013
Combinatorics of polynomials, Nanjing, 04-2013
Dessins d'enfants, Beijing, 04-2013
Entropy and kneading theory, Barcelona, 06-2013
Breaking parabolic points,
Pisa, 10-2013
Entropy, Toulouse, 01-2014
Polynomial Hurwicz numbers, work of Lando-Zvonkin from the view point of Buff-Epstein-Koch, Angers, 03-2014
Milnor-Thurston Kneading theory, ANR Marne-La-Vallee, 04-2014
Entropy, talk at the conference: What's Next,
The mathematical legacy of Bill Thurston, Cornell, 06-2014
Rays landing at Misiurewicz and parabolic parameters, Holbaek workshop, 09-2014
Extremal length and distortion, Liverpool, 11-2014
Cours doctoral, Mai 2012
Cours doctoral, 2013