Gilles Stupfler
I was one of the founders and original organisers of the One World Extremes seminar.
If you are interested in receiving reminders of upcoming talks, please directly contact the current organizers.
I am the creator and current editor of the Extreme Value Analysis newsletter, written for the worldwide academic extreme value
community, with regular information about conferences, workshops, events as well as offers for PhD and post-doctoral fellowships in the
area of probabilistic and statistical extreme value analysis. If you wish to subscribe, feel free to send me an email.
You will find below selected information about my research activities. For more information, including about my teaching activities and community service, please see my full academic CV.
Research interests
My main area of research is extreme value analysis. Much of my recent work in this direction has focused on
how to measure and estimate extreme risk, particularly in actuarial and financial contexts.
My work generally sits at the interface of extreme value theory and various subfields of statistics, such as:
- Semi- and non-parametric regression
- M-estimation
- Missing data frameworks
- Estimation with stationary but dependent data
I defended my Habilitation on 3rd September 2020 at ENSAI.
My Habilitation manuscript can be found here (on the TEL server).
My PhD manuscript is also available on the TEL server here.
Publication list (most recent first)
Statistics: Theory and Methods
- Daouia, A., Stupfler, G., Usseglio-Carleve, A. (2024).
Bias-reduced and variance-corrected asymptotic Gaussian inference about extreme expectiles,
Statistics and Computing
34(4): 130. An open access version of the paper not containing typos introduced by the copyediting team can be found here.
- Daouia, A., Padoan, S.A., Stupfler, G. (2024).
Extreme expectile estimation for short-tailed data,
Journal of Econometrics
241(2): 105770.
- Daouia, A., Stupfler, G., Usseglio-Carleve, A. (2024).
An expectile computation cookbook,
Statistics and Computing
34(3): 103.
- Daouia, A., Padoan, S.A., Stupfler, G. (2024).
Optimal weighted pooling for inference about the tail index and extreme quantiles,
30(2): 1287-1312.
- Daouia, A., Stupfler, G., Usseglio-Carleve, A. (2023).
Inference for extremal regression with dependent heavy-tailed data,
Annals of Statistics
51(5): 2040-2066.
- Mao, T., Stupfler, G., Yang, F. (2023).
Asymptotic properties of generalized shortfall risk measures for heavy-tailed risks,
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
111: 173-192.
- Davison, A.C., Padoan, S.A., Stupfler, G. (2023).
Tail risk inference via expectiles in heavy-tailed time series,
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
41(3): 876-889.
- Stupfler, G., Usseglio-Carleve, A. (2023).
Composite bias-reduced Lp-quantile-based estimators of extreme quantiles and expectiles,
Canadian Journal of Statistics
51(2): 704-742. A corrected version of Proposition 1, which contained a typo in the expression of the off-diagonal covariance term, is
Proposition 1 here.
- Daouia, A., Gijbels, I., Stupfler, G. (2022).
Extremile regression,
Journal of the American Statistical Association
117(539): 1579-1586.
- Girard, S., Stupfler, G., Usseglio-Carleve, A. (2022).
On automatic bias reduction for extreme expectile estimation,
Statistics and Computing
32(4): 64.
- Kaibuchi, H., Kawasaki, Y., Stupfler, G. (2022).
GARCH-UGH: A bias-reduced approach for dynamic extreme Value-at-Risk estimation in financial time series,
Quantitative Finance
22(7): 1277-1294.
- Padoan, S.A., Stupfler, G. (2022).
Joint inference on extreme expectiles for multivariate heavy-tailed distributions,
28(2): 1021-1048.
- Girard, S., Stupfler, G., Usseglio-Carleve, A. (2022).
Nonparametric extreme conditional expectile estimation,
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
49(1): 78-115.
- Girard, S., Stupfler, G., Usseglio-Carleve, A. (2022).
Functional estimation of extreme conditional expectiles,
Econometrics and Statistics
21: 131-158.
- Girard, S., Stupfler, G., Usseglio-Carleve, A. (2021).
Extreme conditional expectile estimation in heavy-tailed heteroscedastic regression models,
Annals of Statistics
49(6): 3358-3382. Corrected versions of the proofs of Theorem 3.3 (ARMA model) and Theorem 3.4 (GARCH model), which originally used incorrect matrix representations of the time series involved, can be found here.
- Falk, M., Stupfler, G. (2021).
The min-characteristic function: Characterizing distributions by their min-linear projections,
Sankhya A
83(1): 254-282.
- Daouia, A., Girard, S., Stupfler, G. (2021).
ExpectHill estimation, extreme risk and heavy tails,
Journal of Econometrics
221(1): 97-117.
- Gardes, L., Girard, S., Stupfler, G. (2020).
Beyond tail median and conditional tail expectation: Extreme risk estimation using tail Lp-optimization,
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
47(3): 922-949.
- Daouia, A., Girard, S., Stupfler, G. (2020).
Tail expectile process and risk assessment,
26(1): 531-556.
- Stupfler, G. (2019).
On a relationship between randomly and non-randomly thresholded empirical average excesses for heavy tails,
22(4): 749-769.
- Daouia, A., Gijbels, I., Stupfler, G. (2019).
Extremiles: A new perspective on asymmetric least squares,
Journal of the American Statistical Association
114(527): 1366-1381.
- Falk, M., Stupfler, G. (2019).
On a class of norms generated by nonnegative integrable distributions,
Dependence Modeling
7(1): 259-278.
- Stupfler, G. (2019).
On the study of extremes with dependent random right-censoring,
22(1): 97-129.
- Gardes, L., Stupfler, G. (2019).
An integrated functional Weissman estimator for conditional extreme quantiles,
REVSTAT: Statistical Journal
17(1): 109-144.
- Daouia, A., Girard, S., Stupfler, G. (2019).
Extreme M-quantiles as risk measures: From L1 to Lp optimization,
25(1): 264-309. A version of the supplementary material containing corrections to certain proofs and the statement of Lemma 1 is available
here. [With thanks to Antoine Usseglio-Carleve]
A corrected version of Proposition 2 is
Proposition 2 here.
- El Methni, J., Stupfler, G. (2018).
Improved estimators of extreme Wang distortion risk measures for very heavy-tailed distributions,
Econometrics and Statistics
6: 129-148.
- Daouia, A., Girard, S., Stupfler, G. (2018).
Estimation of tail risk based on extreme expectiles,
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B
80(2): 263-292.
- El Methni, J., Stupfler, G. (2017).
Extreme versions of Wang risk measures and their estimation for heavy-tailed distributions,
Statistica Sinica
27(2): 907-930.
- Girard, S., Stupfler, G. (2017).
Intriguing properties of extreme geometric quantiles,
REVSTAT: Statistical Journal
15(1): 107-139.
- Falk, M., Stupfler, G. (2017).
An offspring of multivariate extreme value theory: The max-characteristic function,
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
154: 85-95.
- Stupfler, G. (2016).
On the weak convergence of the kernel density estimator in the uniform topology,
Electronic Communications in Probability
21: 1-13.
- Stupfler, G. (2016).
Estimating the conditional extreme-value index under random right-censoring,
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
144: 1-24.
- Girard, S., Stupfler, G. (2015).
Extreme geometric quantiles in a multivariate regular variation framework,
18(4): 629-663.
- Meintanis, S.G., Stupfler, G. (2015).
Transformations to symmetry based on the probability weighted characteristic function,
51(4): 571-587.
- Goegebeur, Y., Guillou, A., Stupfler, G. (2015).
Uniform asymptotic properties of a nonparametric regression estimator of conditional tails,
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B): Probability and Statistics
51(3): 1190-1213.
- Gardes, L., Stupfler, G. (2015).
Estimating extreme quantiles under random truncation,
24(2): 207-227. An erratum is available
- Guillou, A., Loisel, S., Stupfler, G. (2015).
Estimating the parameters of a seasonal Markov-modulated Poisson process,
Statistical Methodology
26: 103-123.
- Stupfler, G. (2014).
On the weak convergence of kernel density estimators in Lp spaces,
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
26(4): 721-735.
- Gardes, L., Stupfler, G. (2014).
Estimation of the conditional tail index using a smoothed local Hill estimator,
17(1): 45-75.
- Girard, S., Guillou, A., Stupfler, G. (2014).
Uniform strong consistency of a frontier estimator using kernel regression on high order moments,
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics
18: 642-666.
- Stupfler, G. (2013).
A moment estimator for the conditional extreme-value index,
Electronic Journal of Statistics
7: 2298-2343.
- Guillou, A., Loisel, S., Stupfler, G. (2013).
Estimation of the parameters of a Markov-modulated loss process in insurance,
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
53(2): 388-404.
- Girard, S., Guillou, A., Stupfler, G. (2013).
Frontier estimation with kernel regression on high order moments,
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
116: 172-189.
- Girard, S., Guillou, A., Stupfler, G. (2012).
Estimating an endpoint with high order moments in the Weibull domain of attraction,
Statistics and Probability Letters
82(12): 2136-2144.
- Girard, S., Guillou, A., Stupfler, G. (2012).
Estimating an endpoint with high-order moments,
21(4): 697-729.
Applied statistics
- Bozhidarova, M., Ball, F., van Gennip, Y., O'Dea, R.D., Stupfler, G. (2024).
Describing financial crisis propagation through epidemic modelling on multiplex networks,
Proceedings of the Royal Society A
480(2287): 20230787.
- Daouia, A., Stupfler, G., Usseglio-Carleve, A. (2023).
Extreme value modelling of SARS-CoV-2 community transmission using discrete Generalised Pareto distributions,
Royal Society Open Science
10(3): 220977.
- Thompson, A., Southon, N., Fern, F., Stupfler, G., Leach, R. (2021).
Efficient empirical determination of maximum permissible error in coordinate metrology,
Measurement Science and Technology
32: 105013.
- Church, O., Derclaye, E., Stupfler, G. (2021).
Design litigation in the EU Member States: Are overlaps with other intellectual property rights and unfair competition problematic and are SMEs benefitting from the EU design legal framework?,
European Law Review
46(1): 37-60.
The published version (behind the Westlaw paywall) is available here.
- Mitchell, E.G., Crout, N.M.J., Wilson, P., Wood, A.T.A., Stupfler, G. (2020).
Operating at the extreme: Estimating the upper yield boundary of winter wheat production in commercial practice,
Royal Society Open Science
7(4): 191919.
- Church, O., Derclaye, E., Stupfler, G. (2019).
An empirical analysis of the design case law of the EU Member States,
International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law
50(6): 685-719.
- Stupfler, G., Yang, F. (2018).
Analyzing and predicting CAT bond premiums: a Financial Loss premium principle and extreme value modeling,
ASTIN Bulletin
48(1): 375-411.
Book chapters
- Daouia, A., Stupfler, G. (2024).
Extremile regression,
in Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online.
- Girard, S., Stupfler, G., Usseglio-Carleve, A. (2021).
Extreme Lp-quantile kernel regression,
in Advances in Contemporary Statistics and Econometrics - Festschrift in Honor of Christine Thomas-Agnan
(A. Daouia and A. Ruiz-Gazen, editors), pp. 197-219.
PhD supervision
- October 2024-present: Solune Denis (University of Angers),
High-dimensional extreme quantile regression.
Jointly supervised with Antoine Usseglio-Carleve (University of Avignon)
- September 2022-present: Joseph Hachem (Toulouse School of Economics),
Joint analysis of extreme values in massive data.
Jointly supervised with Abdelaati Daouia (Toulouse School of Economics)
- October 2020-November 2024: Malvina Bozhidarova (University of Nottingham),
Statistical analysis of risk, failure, and extreme event propagation in the airline industry using multi-level networks.
Jointly supervised with Reuben O'Dea and Frank Ball (Mathematical Sciences) and Yves van Gennip (TU Delft)
- October 2019-June 2024: Abdul Haris Jameel (University of Nottingham),
New analytical and simulation tools in clinical oncology.
Jointly supervised with Chris Fallaize and Chris Brignell (Nottingham, Mathematical Sciences) and Joachim Grevel (BAST, Loughborough, UK)
- October 2016-July 2021: Emily Mitchell (University of Nottingham),
Statistical analysis of agricultural soils climate data to aid food security under environmental change.
Jointly supervised with Andrew Wood (Mathematical Sciences), Neil Crout and Paul Wilson (Biosciences)
Postdoctoral supervision
- May 2023-April 2025: Touqeer Ahmad (ENSAI & CREST),
Machine learning and data mining of extreme values in massive data.
Jointly supervised with François Portier (ENSAI & CREST)
- February 2021-January 2023: Boutheina Nemouchi (ENSAI & CREST),
Tail risk management and mitigation using innovative extreme value techniques.
Jointly supervised with Abdelaati Daouia (Toulouse School of Economics)
- October 2018-August 2021: Antoine Usseglio-Carleve (INRIA, ENSAI & CREST),
Estimation of extreme risk measures with covariate information, and Tail risk estimation across time and space.
Jointly supervised with Stéphane Girard (INRIA) and Abdelaati Daouia (Toulouse School of Economics)