Mes Intérêts Scientifiques:
Systèmes dynamiques holomorphes, analyses complexes
Preprints :
S. Koch et Tan L. , On balanced planar graphs, following W. Thurston, arXiv:math/1502.04760
Cui G.-Zh. et Tan L., Hyperbolic-parabolic deformations of rational maps, arXiv:math/1501.01385
M. El Amrani, M. Granger, J.-J. Loeb, L. Tan, Smooth critical points of planar harmonic mappings, arXiv:math/1407.3403.
Publications :
Cui G.-Zh., Peng W.-J., et Tan L., Renormalization and wandering Jordan curves of rational maps, arXiv:math/1403.5024, to appear in: Communications in Mathematical Physics.
Cui G.-Z., Gao Y., Rugh H.-H. et Tan L. , Rational maps as Schwarzian primitives, Science China, to appear.
K. Dias et Tan L., Landing separatrices are stable, an appendix in Dias: On Parameter Space of Complex Polynomial Vector Fields in the Complex Plane, Journal of differential equations, to appear. Preliminary version arXiv:1406.4117.
H.H. Rugh, Tan L., Kneading with weights, Journal of fractal geometry, volume 2, 339-375 (2015). Preliminary version,
Chéritat A., Gao Y., Ou Y-F. et Tan L., A refinement of the Gauss-Lucas theorem (after W. P. Thurston), CRAS, I 353 (2015) 711–715, DOI : 10.1016/j.crma.2015.05.007
Peng W.-J. et Tan L., Quasi-conformal rigidity of multicritical maps, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367 (2015), 1151-1182, DOI:, Preliminary version with a different title: arXiv:math/1105.0497.
Buff X., Cui G.-Zh. et Tan L., Teichmüller spaces and holomorphic dynamics, Handbook of Teichmüller theory, Vol. IV, ed. Athanase Papadopoulos, Société mathématique européenne, 2014, pp. 717-756.
Buff X. et Tan L., The quadratic dynatomic curves are smooth and irreducible, In "Frontiers in Complex Dynamics: In Celebration of John Milnor's 80th Birthday" Edited by Araceli Bonifant, Misha Lyubich, and Scott Sutherland, Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ, 2014, pp 49-72.
K. et Tan L., Disc-annulus
surgery on rational maps,
a section in: B. Branner and N.
Fagella, Quasiconformal surgery in holomorphic dynamics. Cambridge
Stud. Adv. Math. 141, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2014, pp.
G.-Zh., Peng W.-J. et Tan L., On
a theorem of Rees-Shishikura,
Annales de la Faculté des
Sciences de Toulouse, Vol. XXI, numéro 5, 2012, pp. 981-993.
Chéritat A. et Tan L., Si nous faisons danser les racines? Un hommage à Bill Thurston , article de vulgarisation, Images des mathématiques CNRS, 7 Nov. 2012.
G.-Zh. et Tan L., A characterization of hyperbolic rational maps,
Invent. math., Vol. 183, Number 3, pp. 451-516, 2011 (earlier
version on arXiv:math/0703380v2).
G.-Zh., Peng W.-J. et Tan L., On
the topology of wandering Julia components,
Disc. and cont.
dyn. sys., Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 929-952, 2010.
G.-Zh. et Tan L., Distortion
control of conjugacies between quadratic polynomials,
China mathematics, Vol. 53 (3), 625-634, 2010.
W.-J. et Tan L., Combinatorial
rigidity of unicritical maps,
Science China mathematics, Vol.
53 (3), 831-848, 2010.
W.-J., Qiu W.-Y., P. Roesch, Tan L. et Yin Y.-Ch., A
tableau approach of the KSS nest,
Conformal geometry and
dynamics, AMS electronic journal, Vol. 14 (2010), pp. 35-67.
La méthode de Newton et son fractal, article de vulgarisation, Images des Mathématiques, CNRS, rubrique : Articles mathématiques.
Petersen et Tan L., Analytic
coordinates recording cubic dynamics,
dans Complex Dynamics,
Families and Friends, ed. D. Schleicher, A K Peters, 2009.
L. et Yin Y.-Ch., Uni-critical
Branner-Hubbard conjecture,
dans Complex Dynamics, Families
and Friends, ed. D. Schleicher, A K Peters, 2009.
Buff et Tan L., Dynamical
convergence and polynomial vector fields,
Journal of
differential geometry, 77 (2007), pp. 1-41.
Petersen et Tan L., Branner-Hubbard
motions and attracting dynamics,
dans: Dynamics on the
Riemann sphere, European Mathematical Society (2006) pp. 45-70.
rays and their accumulations, following Pia Willumsen,
Dynamics on the Riemann sphere, European Mathematical Society (2006),
pp. 183-208.
Haissinsky et Tan L., Convergence
of pinching deformations and matings of geometrically finite
Fundamenta Mathematicae 181 (2004), pp. 143-188.
Pilgrim et Tan L., Spinning
deformations of rational maps,
Conformal geometry and
dynamics, AMS electronic journal, 8 (2004), pp. 52-86.
pinching deformations of rational maps,
Ann. Scient. Ec.
Norm. Sup., t.35, 2002, pp. 353-370.
Shishikura et Tan L., A
family of cubic rational maps and matings of cubic polynomials,
Experimental Math., vol. 9 (2000), No. 1, pp. 29-53.
Pilgrim et Tan L., Rational
maps with disconnected Julia set,
Astérisque 261 (2000), pp.
properties of the Mandelbrot set at parabolic points,
The Mandelbrot Set, Theme and Variations (voir ci-dessous), pp.
Shishikura et Tan L., An
alternative proof of Mané's theorem on non-expanding Julia sets,
dans The Mandelbrot Set, Theme and Variations (voir ci-dessous),
pp. 265-279.
The Mandelbrot Set, Theme and Variations (Introduction),
LMS Lecture Note Series 274, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000.
Pilgrim et Tan L., On
disc-annulus surgery of rational maps,
Proceedings of the
International Conference in Dynamical Systems, World Scientific 1999,
pp. 237-250.
Pilgrim et Tan L., Combining
rational maps and controlling obstructions,
Ergod. th. and
dyn. syst., vo. 18 (1998), pp. 221-246.
Dimension of subsets of the parameter space for families of rational
(A generalization of Shishikura's result) (pdf),
Nonlinearity, vol. 11, issue 1 (1998), pp. 233-246.
coverings and cubic Newton maps,
Fundamenta Mathematicae, 154
(1997), pp. 207-260.
L. et Yin Y.-Ch., Local
connectivity of the Julia set for geometrically finite rational maps,
Science in China (series A), vol. 39, no. 1 (1996), pp. 39-47.
properties of The Mandelbrot set M, Similarity between M and Julia
Proceedings of the seventh EWM meeting, Madrid, 1995,
pp. 71-82.
Continuous and discrete
Newton's algorithms,
Proceedings of the Conference on Complex
Analysis, Nankai Institute of Mathematics (1992),
press (1994), pp. 208-219.
J.Milnor et Tan L., A
Sierpinski carpet as Julia set,
une appendice dans J. Milnor,
Geometry and dynamics of quadratic rational maps,
Exper. Math.
vol. 2 (1993), pp. 78-81.
Matings of quadratic
Ergod. th. and dyn. syst., vo. 12 (1992), pp.
connexes des points de Misiurewicz,
Ann. Inst. Fourier, 42, 4
(1992), pp. 707-735.
between the Mandelbrot set and Julia sets,
Commun. Math.
Phys. 134 (1990), pp. 587-617.
Accouplements des
polynômes quadratiques complexes,
CRAS Paris, t. 302, série I,
n.17, 1986, pp. 635-638.
Ordre du contact des
composantes hyperboliques de M,
dans A. Douady et J.H. Hubbard,
Etude dynamique des polynômes complexes, II,
mathématiques d'Orday, 85-04, 1985, pp. 56-60.
Thèse de l'habilitation et Polycopie du cours de l'école d'été à Grenoble.